Wednesday, September 2, 2009

RT @Justin Facebook Note: Earthquake Story

A true story by my brother from his Facebook Note.
Love him and my cousin too much =p

Earthquake Story: September 2, 2009 (2:55 P.M)

So here we are, arrived in Pola Bugar for our badminton practice. (we as in Stesha, the driver, and me) We just stepped down of the car and climbed the stairs up to where the courts were. Stesha and I didn't see any sign of the coach. We headed for a bench, sat there, and took out our hps to sms (I was smsing the coach; Stesha was smsing unknown people. =P)

"Message sent," read the screen of my phone. I felt my head moving in a wavy motion. In my mind I was thinking, "Stesha, stop moving the bench." But then I saw the hanging lights were shaking too. I still dunno why but I looked back to my phone, ignoring what I saw. But then Stesha said, "Wow, kok goyang?" (This next thing is really dumb.) I just replied, "Earthquake kali," and went back staring at my phone waiting for a reply. Stesha was already panicking, "What!? What!? Earthquake??"

Then after a few seconds, I finally said, "Iy, gempa kayakny. Kebawah yuk." I still wonder why I didn't panic. Maybe it's because the people playing in the courts were just acting normally and resuming their game.

Anyway, we went down and out. Weird thing is, I saw the coach already outside. We went to him and paid the lesson fee. We were then told to go back home. After I got in the car, I saw my phone. It was a reply from the coach. "Masi ada latian. Ini siapa?" --"

My Comment:
"classic stesha... your coach is one unique person.. HAHAHAHA...

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